Casey Anthony: Was Justice Done?

casey anthony

I've been following the Casey Anthony trial for quite some time. The idea that a parent could neglect the disappearance of their child for an entire month is absolutely abhorrent, and I think that's the core of why everyone is so incensed about her acquittal. I've seen people who feel as though the system is broken and some who say justice was not done.

I'm not nearly as emotional as some of my peers, the point of law is parity. Without the legal system Casey Anthony would have been dragged to the center of town and hung from an oak. The problem is I've seen that kind of "justice" used against too many of my ancestors when they certainly deserved better. The part of me that demands true fairness couldn't let that happen.

A lot of people have referenced the OJ Simpson trial (in different contexts) and I think that's a good example of how the court of public opinion differs from a court of law (and should). The jury had a responsibility to judge the merits of the case as presented in court. They were not privvy to all the things we have been exposed to in the media. They had to be impartial, and follow the letter of the law. I think those 12 people did an exemplary job. I'm glad I wasn't on that jury, and frankly I'm glad many of my peers weren't on it, either.

Emotions and prejudices have no place in a perfect legal system. The design is to find someone that will either be partial to your side (be it defense or prosecution) or to find someone who will at least be fair. The case presented and the evidence provided is what should compel, but you have to be willing to see and accept everything presented to the court. If indeed this can be implemented in every situation, then Black defendants stand a better chance when in a court of law. If not for this, Brenton Butler would have been successfully railroaded by an overzealous son of a former sheriff and that guy would have been hailed wrongfully as a hero.

Casey & The Porcelain God

On the remote chance that Casey Anthony did not kill her child, the State had an obligation to at least explore other avenues. If they neglected to do so and wrongfully zeroed in on Casey, then we need them to next time use their resources more wisely so true justice can be served. One of the legal analysts made the very sound point that I myself often make, you learn far more about yourself in a defeat than you ever would in a victory. Hopefully the prosecution can direct the detectives to be more thorough next time, maybe conclusively connect the defendant to the body through DNA? Being that the body was found so close to the Anthony home, maybe they could have been more systematic in their search patterns?

All in all, regardless of the Court of Public Opinion, Casey is not guilty. Which, in fact, is a long ways from "innocent". The one thing that she did do was not report her child missing for a very long time, and this is something that most will hold against her for a very long time. Once she gains a measure of maturity, she will have to deal with it herself. I'm willing to bet that no matter how cruel the Public will treat her, it will be nothing compared to what she will eventually do to herself.

-ere'bodee's favorite mega, blogninja


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