And the Whole (Cyber)World Goes Crazy
So I've been getting information on Twitter and from other blog sites that Tom is about to be fired, along with the core exectutives of MySpace . I personally am surprised that this isn't generating more speculation: What is going to happen to MySpace? Many of us have had issues with some of the decisions made by MySpace on things large and small, but what does this mean for MySpace as a whole? When the deal was made with NewsCorp to sell MySpace, it was met with suspicion (at least on my part, Rupert Murdoch is an idiot businessman, in my opinion. Being taken by Madoff is just one example of his zealotry-to-stupidity ratio), but what happens now that the men who created the product are no longer in control of the product? I think they may have been the final line of defense against the meddling hands of NewsCorp. But then, I don't want to rail against the guard if they are stepping in to 'save' what remains of their investment. It's just hard to believe tha...